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About us

From the smallest component
to a fully integrated solution

iWEIGH provides weighing solutions for companies in the Food, Non-food, and Industrial branch, in the broadest sense of the word. We have an extensive stock of weighing components and electronics, offering standardized, fit-for-purpose weighing equipment such as automatic checkweighers, linear weighers, multihead weighers, weighing platforms and dosing systems. Additionally, we excel in customized solutions for projects that demand all that and everything in between.


These are our heavyweights. Figuratively speaking, of course. In craftmanship and experience. Fanatics. Giving it all to stay on top of their game. Old hands and fresh blood. When they put their clever heads together, the best solutions always emerge. We are not just salespeople, we are process improvers. We offer solutions that others cannot come up with. Just at our customers' tables. This may sound boastful, but that is exactly what we are not. We simply know what we have to offer. And that is knowledge. Knowledge that enables us to fulfill this promise and keeps us eager to be challenged. Time and time again.

Menno Jongsma

Menno Jongsma

managing director

E [email protected]

T +31 6 29 560 361

Jan Kersten

Jan Kersten

technical director

E [email protected]

T +31-(0)6-22559066

Frank van Gils

Frank van Gils

software engineer

E [email protected]

T +31-(0)6-10570614

Rick Moorman

Rick Moorman

senior project engineer

E [email protected]

T +31-(0)6-83612907

Thomas Schoonebeek

Thomas Schoonebeek

service coördinator

E [email protected]

T +31-(0)13-5213524

Jaco van Mourik

Jaco van Mourik

service engineer

E [email protected]

T +31-(0)13-5213524 

Lisbeth Kersten

Lisbeth Kersten


E [email protected]

T +31-(0)13-5213524

Jeanine Verstijnen

Jeanine Verstijnen

office & after sales

E [email protected]

T +31-(0)13-5213524


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Office Sales Service
Full Time Part Time
Nederland Oisterwijk

Get in touch

We would like to get in touch with you via email or a no-obligation telephone conversation.



[email protected]

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Sprendlingenpark 23 | 5061 JT Oisterwijk | The Netherlands


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